

Android Coding Explanation

Installation & Configuration Steps For Android Application

Chatper 1 – Quick Install Android Configuration

1.1. Software to be downloaded

Download All Links


Change Management for New Apk

Change Management for New Apk


Solve Error in Cordova troubleshoot



How to Open Emulator Outside Android Studio

Android Emulator is showing black box in display

Android Emulator is showing black box in display

My Android Application is not login

My Application is not login

Android Hardware Requriments

Minimum PC configuration

  • Intel i3
  • 4 RAM
  • Enable Virtualization VTx – Bios Set Up

How to check Virtualization for windows 10

Goto Task Manager > Check Virtualization option


  • How to enable Virtualization for intel     https://youtu.be/wPYzVBmz50o
  • How to enable Virtualization for AMD  Gigabyte Mother Board                 


Android Software Requriments

Android Software Requriments


Note: Don’t use other version of xampp

Best Pratices dos

  •     a) Uninstall Multiple SQL like MYSQL5.0 , Microsoft SQL
  •     b) Multiple big software may slow up Android Studio process
  •      c) Uninstall big software like asp.net
Where I can find the Android source code

Where I can find the Android source code

How to solve Invalid Keystore format error in Android Studio

How To Fix Error PS1 Can Not Be Loaded

Django Python

Installation & Configuration for Django Application

Chatper 1 – Download

1.1. Software to be downloaded

Download All Links

1.2. Installation Video Tutorial

Chatper 2 – Installation

2.1. Installation of Xampp

  1. Click Yes when prompted. This will open the XAMPP setup window.
  2. Click Next. It’s at the bottom of the setup window.
  3. Select aspects of XAMPP to install. Review the list of XAMPP attributes on the left side of the window; if you see an attribute that you don’t want to install as part of XAMPP, uncheck its box.
  4. Click Next. It’s at the bottom of the window.
  5. Select an installation location. Click the folder-shaped icon to the right of the current installation destination, then click a folder on your computer.
    1. If you have the UAC activated on your computer, avoid installing XAMPP in your hard drive’s folder (e.g., OS (C:)).
    2. You can select a folder (e.g., Desktop) and then click Make New Folder to create a new folder and select it as the installation destination.
  1. Click Next. You’ll find it at the bottom of the page.
  2. Begin installing XAMPP.
  3. Click Finish when prompted.
  4. Resolve issues with Apache refusing to run. On some Windows 10 computers, Apache won’t run due to a “blocked port”. This can happen for a couple of reasons, but there’s a relatively easy fix.
  • Click Config to the right of the “Apache” heading.
  • Click Apache (httpd.conf) in the menu.
  • Scroll down to the “Listen 80” section (you can press Ctrl+F and type in listen 80 to find it faster).
  • Replace 80 with any open port (e.g., 81 or 8080).
  • Press Ctrl+S to save the changes, then exit the text editor.
  • Restart XAMPP by clicking Quit and then re-opening it in administrator mode from its folder.

2.2   OPEN THE “XAMPP control panel”


2.3 Start the “Apache and MySql”.


2.4  Click “Admin” button from MySql.


2.5  Now open the “phpmyAdmin” window in browser


2.6 Backend configuration

A. Open “phpmyAdmin” in brower

B. Click “Database”

C. Enter Database “Name” and Enter collection “Utf8_bin” and click “ create”

D. Click created Database from the left side

E. Click “import” from the top bar

F. Click “ browser” select the sql file and click “ go”

3. Installation of Python

  1. Click Yes when prompted. This will open the Python setup window.
  2. Click check box “Add python 3.9 to the path”. It’s at the bottom of the setup window.
  3. Click the Install Now . Its at the top of setup window.
  4. Begin installing Process of Python.
  5. Click Close when prompted.

4. Run the Django project in Command Prompt

G. Open the “readme” file in the project folder

H. Open the “readme” file and copy the “project url”

I. Open the Command Prompt . To change the Path Directory Give this command ==> cd “paste project url”

J. Inside the Project url path in Command prompt

Django run command -> python manage.py runserver

K. If python manage.py runserver occurs any error like showing some library missing
Install the following libraries
  1. pip install django-crispy-forms
  2. pip install django-filter

L.   After running Django . it show the browsing address .
Copy the address and paste into browser path.

M. Project is successfully running now.